Disney Reel to Reel
Where everything old is new again. Or, a deep, deep, DEEP delve into the Disney animated canon.
You can find the show @disreeltoreelpodcast and host Wyatt @goldenafternoon51 on Instagram! Write in at disneyreeltoreel@gmail.com.
Podcasting since 2022 • 57 episodes
Disney Reel to Reel
Latest Episodes
The Miller Years: Midnight Madness (1980)
If you don't spend your Valentine's Day raising a little Midnight Madness, you're doing something wrong. Good thing Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick...

Wonderland Whimsy: Seqs. 1.0 - 2.0 ("Opening--The River Bank," "Down the Rabbit Hole")
They say curiosity often leads to trouble...Wyatt and guest host / scholar Abigail Fine finally begin discussing 1951's Alice in Wonderland, beat by beat.Opening Music: "Dreams from Yesterye...

The Fairest Sessions of All: Seq. 3B ("Snow White Meets Animals in Woods")
"What do you do when things go wrong? Oh, you pod."Opening Music: "Dreams from Yesteryear" by AnkariReferences:Amidi, Amid. “Everybody Wanted to Sue Disne...