Disney Reel to Reel
Where everything old is new again. Or, a deep, deep, DEEP delve into the Disney animated canon.
You can find the show @disreeltoreelpodcast and host Wyatt @goldenafternoon51 on Instagram! Write in at disneyreeltoreel@gmail.com.
Disney Reel to Reel
Remake Rants: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
When a tale as old as time is retold... for the pedants of Cracked dot com.
With the help of friend and @shoottheflick co-host Frankie Sparks, Wyatt trudged thru the swamps of 2010s live-action remakes. Boy, are you in for a wild ride.
Abramovitch, Seth. “Original ‘Lion King’ Screenwriter Apprehensive of Remake: ‘I Wasn’t Thrilled with “Beauty and the Beast.”’” The Hollywood Reporter, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Dec. 2018, https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/linda-woolverton-lion-king-remake-beauty-beast-1165869/.
Ellis, Lindsay. “That Time Disney Remade Beauty and the Beast.” YouTube, YouTube, 31 July 2018, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpUx9DnQUkA.
Sideways. “The Problem with Auto-Tune.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Oct. 2020, http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=05hTQC1CZko&t=1010s.
“Why the Music in the Live Action Disney Remakes Is Worse than You Thought.” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Feb. 2020, http:www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaO3M-zZR8E.
Tingen, Paul. “Inside Track: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.” Sound on Sound, June 2017, https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/inside-track-disneys-beauty-and-beast.