Disney Reel to Reel
Where everything old is new again. Or, a deep, deep, DEEP delve into the Disney animated canon.
You can find the show @disreeltoreelpodcast and host Wyatt @goldenafternoon51 on Instagram! Write in at disneyreeltoreel@gmail.com.
Disney Reel to Reel
Recession Rattles: Wish (2023)
We come back with Disney's centennial flop... and boy, did it make a nose dive. Frankie Sparks (@shoottheflick) returns to join Wyatt in a discussion on this most befuddling celebration of Disney fandom yet.
Astor Rhymemaster. “‘This Wish,’ the Most Awkward ‘I Want’ Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 4 Jan. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E2SJp1XmTc&t=19s.
“Why ‘This Is the Thanks I Get?’ Failed as a Villain Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 27 Dec. 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJOSBiPMQoE&t=53s.
ColeyDoesThings. “The Disney Fandom We Almost Had.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Feb. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw4x3n_PBLI.
DVDFilmBonus. “Wish 2023 ( Disney ) Making of & Behind the Scenes + Deleted Scenes.” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Mar. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZyziDEf5tI&t=3884s.
OrbitalMoonRat. “At All Costs - Wish Fan Storyboard/Animatic.” YouTube, YouTube, 11 Jan. 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMpJzMj-d6E.
Rebello, Stephen, et al. The Art of Wish. Chronicle Books, 2023.
Sarto, Dan. “Jennifer Lee Talks Walt Disney Animation Studios’ ‘Wish.’” Animation World Network, 22 Nov. 2023, http://www.awn.com/animationworld/jennifer-lee-talks-walt-disney-animation-studios-wish.